I AM kind, loving, and compassionate”

“I AM healthy and happy”

Colour: Green

Element: Air

Biji mantras are one syllable sounds that activate and balance the chakras. By repeating the mantras, you resonate with that energy to awaken the superpowers of each chakra.

Biji Mantra: YAM

Sit in a comfortable seated position with your spine straight and body relaxed. Take a few deep breaths to ground and centre yourself.

Visualise a bright green ball of light in the centre of your chest. Inhale deeply, then chant the biji mantra; YAAAAMMMMMM…….

Green foods harmonise the heart chakra and unite forces from above and below.

Try to include plenty of green foods in your diet this week.

Green foods: Kiwi, apples, lime, avocado, grapes, green peppers, spinach, kale, chard, cabbage, cucumber, broccoli, courgette, celery, green beans, peas, olives, green lentils.

Can you think of any other green foods?

Green vegetables are great for balancing the heart chakra. Green juices and smoothies are great too!

Green crystals are peaceful and calm. They are powerful healers.

Crystals: All green crystals help to harmonise the heart chakra. Examples include; green aventurine, green moss agate, emerald, jade, green jasper, malachite, moldavite, green kyanite.

Aromatherapy assists the body’s natural ability to heal.

Aromatherapy: Peppermint is really good for balancing the heart chakra. It helps us to drop into our hearts and live in the present moment. Peppermint is very energising, it opens the lungs and improves breathing. Other essential oils that are good for the heart chakra include; eucalyptus, neroli, marjoram, melissa, jasmine, camomile, lavender, geranium, rose.

Yoga is a fun way to balance the chakras. Practice outside in nature to really connect with this chakra.

Go to the forest and have fun playing with the fairies!

Deep in the forest fairies dance,

moving like they’re in a trance!

Yoga poses: Angel and fairy wings, snake, king cobra, wheel, bridge, camel, bow, cow and fish. All backbends are really good for opening the heart and balancing the heart chakra. Backbends are a great way to increase energy, strengthen the back, and balance all the chakras. Can you think of any other poses that help you to feel open and loving?

We had so much fun in today’s Rainbow Warriors class doing partner yoga and making Valentine’s cards.

It is very synchronistic that Valentine’s day falls on the week we are working on the heart chakra. 💚 How wonderful! 💚

Want more balance in your life?

Develop a routine that will awaken the magic within you.

Check out my Chakra Yoga Cleanse book and online course!

Take control of the morning with a fun and inspiring yoga routine.

Check it out here…

Join us on a 7 week adventure through the chakras with our Rainbow Warriors family yoga challenge! 🌈💫💚🎶✍

Each week I’ll be posting a YouTube video for each of the chakras. Take part in the challenge by completing the yoga and creative activities 🌠

Share your journey with us in the Rainbow Warriors Facebook group.

Rainbow Warriors Facebook Group

We can’t wait to see you there! 😁🙏❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖

If you enjoyed this blog, please leave a comment below and share with anyone who you feel would benefit from it. Thank you so much!

Peace, love and blessings,

Sharon x x x

Heaven on Earth: The Space

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