I AM honest and speak my truth”

“I AM authentic and expressive”

Colour: Blue

Element: Space

Biji mantras are one syllable sounds that activate and balance the chakras. By repeating the mantras, you resonate with that energy to awaken the superpowers of each chakra.

Biji Mantra: HAM

Sit in a comfortable seated position with your spine straight and body relaxed. Take a few deep breaths to ground and centre yourself.

Visualise a bright blue ball of light in your throat. Inhale deeply, then chant the biji mantra; HAAAAMMMMMM…….

Blue foods harmonise and balance the throat chakra.

Try to include plenty of blue foods in your diet this week.

Blue foods: Blueberries. What other foods do you know that are blue?

I’ll let you into a secret….

My Blue Magic soup in the photo above is leek and potato soup.

Can you guess how I made it blue?

My secret ingredient is; Blue Spirulina.

High in vitamins, minerals and protein, blue spirulina adds a nutritional boost to your meals. You can add it to soups, stews, juices and smoothies.

Can you think of any other blue foods?

Blue juices and smoothies are great for balancing the throat chakra!

Light blue crystals are calm and soothing.

Crystals: All light blue crystals help to balance the throat chakra. Examples include; angelite, aquamarine, blue lace agate, blue kyanite, blue apatite, turquoise, sodalite, azurite and lapis lazuli.

Aromatherapy assists the body’s natural ability to heal.

Aromatherapy: Spearmint is really good for balancing the throat chakra. It helps us to speak clearly and express or thoughts and feelings with clarity. Lavender is the oil of communication. It helps us to speak our truth and listen with intent. Other essential oils that are good for the throat chakra include; peppermint, eucalyptus, pine, tea tree, frankincense, myrrh, clary sage and camomile.

Chanting is great for balancing this chakra.

Take a deep breath in, as you exhale, stick your tongue out and roar like a lion!

Feel yourself let go of any stress and tension.

Yoga poses: Lion, tiger, cat/cow, camel, bridge, shoulder stand, plough and fish. Neck rolls are also good for releasing tension from the upper back and throat chakra.

Can you think of any other poses that help you to express yourself?

Today’s Rainbow Warriors class was super special 🥰

We played some fun yoga games and then created some beautiful poetry together 💙

Here is one of the amazing poems from today…

“This is how the poem starts, with special thoughts right from my heart.

Love is bright and full of light, even if its day or night.

Like a rainbow it’s long and giving, makes me feel like I am skipping.

Now it’s time to end the poem, so now it’s time to keep on growing.”

Charlie, Alice & Eric Calvert 🥰💖

Rainbow Warriors – Heaven on Earth The Space

Want more balance in your life?

Develop a routine that will awaken the magic within you.

Check out my Chakra Yoga Cleanse book and online course!

Take control of the morning with a fun and inspiring yoga routine.

Check it out here…

Join us on a 7 week adventure through the chakras with our Rainbow Warriors family yoga challenge! 🌈💫💚🎶✍

Each week I’ll be posting a YouTube video for each of the chakras. Take part in the challenge by completing the yoga and creative activities 🌠

Share your journey with us in the Rainbow Warriors Facebook group.

Rainbow Warriors Facebook Group

We can’t wait to see you there! 😁🙏❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖

If you enjoyed this blog, please leave a comment below and share with anyone who you feel would benefit from it. Thank you so much!

Peace, love and blessings,

Sharon x x x

Heaven on Earth: The Space

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