This delicious recipe is divine and was so much fun to create. Cooking the risotto takes time; you must keep stirring the rice for perfect consistency. 

My Top Tip: Have fun with it and enjoy the process. Put on your favourite tunes, sing your heart out and dance while sipping wine.

Of course, you can omit the wine, but where’s the fun in that? 😆 lol 

Vegan option: Use plant-based butter and cheese. 


* 4 large chestnut mushrooms, thinly sliced

* Handful of dried porcini mushrooms

* 150g risotto rice

* 1 small onion, chopped finely 

* 2 garlic cloves, grated 

* fresh parsley

* fresh chives

* 20g butter

* 400ml water

* 1 tbsp bullion 

* 2 tbsp olive oil 

* A glass of dry white wine 

* parmigiano cheese, grated  

* salt and pepper 


1. Soak the porcini mushrooms in 400 ml of boiling water for 30 minutes. While they are soaking, prepare the vegetables.

2. Heat 1 tbsp of olive oil and cook the chestnut mushrooms on medium heat. Once cooked, set aside in a bowl.

3. Remove the porcini mushrooms from the water and place them on kitchen paper to remove excess liquid. Cook them for a few minutes and set aside. 

4. Mix the bullion with the mushroom water to make a delicious stock.

5. Fry the onions and garlic in a bit of oil. 

6. When the onions are golden, pour the rice into the pan and cook for one minute, stirring constantly. 

6. Add the wine and stir well. Once absorbed into the rice, add 100ml of the stock into the pan and stir frequently. Continue this process, mixing the liquid into the rice until it is fully absorbed. Taste the rice and see if it needs more water. 

7. Mix the mushrooms, butter, parmigiano, salt, pepper, and fresh herbs into the pan. 

8. Serve into dishes and sprinkle fresh herbs to garnish. 

9. Enjoy with a glass of wine and some good music! 😉

Give it a go and let us know how you get on with it.

I would love to see your risotto photos.

Share them with us below.

Love & blessings,

Sharon x x

Heaven on Earth: The Space

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