Namaste Earth Angels,  

Happy New moon blessings. I hope all is well in your world.

Talk about divine alignment and synchronicity! Are you aware of the fact that we went into lockdown on the 1st day of the New Moon in Aries last year, and now the world is opening up again on the 1st day of the Aries New Moon exactly a full astrological year later! This is epic!

There is a big shift on the planet today. Can you feel it?

The new moon in Aries is the first new moon of the astrological year and the first new moon in Spring. YAY! Finally! We are out of winter and into Spring. The past three months have been tough. If you have struggled over winter, you are not alone! Most people I talk to have found the last lockdown the hardest one. We have been doing a lot of personal and collectively healing. Childhood traumas have been re-surfacing to be healed and transmuted. There are gifts in our suffering, but we must be brave enough to face whatever is coming up so we can integrate the lessons, grow and evolve. 

Fortunately, the energies flowing into the planet are much lighter and brighter now.

You may have felt the fire energy for the past couple of weeks since the Spring Equinox, I sure have! Well, today’s new moon is really vamping up the fire energies and bringing us new life and new beginnings.

Aries is an invigorating action sign, thinking about your plans is not enough. This is time to take action and make positive steps towards your goals. Get aligned with your mission and purpose, your inner fire is ready to be ignited.

Aries reminds me of dharana, the sixth of the eight limbs of yoga. Dharana means focused concentration, we are fully immersed in whatever we are doing and are in a state of flow.

This is a visionary moon that empowers us to step out of our comfort zone and reach beyond the stars. Use this energy to get clear on who you are and why you are here. This is a great time to set goals for the next 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Use the Aries energy to focus on your dreams and start to plan ahead.

What are you passions?

What is your purpose in life?  

Trust the Universe will support you.

Be bold and take action. 

It has been an interesting year to say the least! With so many changes collectively and personally, I find myself at a place where I never imagined I would be. It is amazing how much my life has changed since the first lockdown. I have really embraced being a full time author and it has been wonderful.

I haven’t progressed much with the novel since the last new moon. I have been working on a new creative project that has suddenly become my full time love. There is an urgency to get this book out into the world ASAP!

Three weeks ago I took part in an online Write a Children’s Book in Five days Challenge. Well guess what, I did it! Not only did I write the book during those five days, I drafted a children’s yoga series collection and have been working diligently on the illustrations!

I am blown away by the change in direction my life has taken this year. It is amazing how much joy I get from creating this Children’s book! I simply cannot wait to share it with you!

I have lots of fabulous announcements to make today!

Drum roll please!! ✨🥁✨🥁✨🥁✨

Heaven on Earth re-opens tomorrow!!

Whooo hooo!! 💃✨🤸

We cannot wait to welcome you back to The Space!

Our Community Wellbeing sessions will re-commence from Wednesday 21st April and run every Wednesday and Saturday 10am – 11am. We are adding an extra session on a Wednesday evening at 7pm for those who cannot make daytime sessions.

With an increase in mental and emotional health issues in children since the first lockdown, we have decided to open these sessions up for children as well. See below for more information.

We are very excited to re-open the Chakra Healing Kitchen on Wednesday’s and Saturday’s after the Community Wellbeing sessions. Delicious vegan smoothies, food and sweet treats are available to take away between 11.30am and 2pm.  

Our FREE Online Ayurvedic Cooking Course starting on 11th May (all details below).

Finally, I am available on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for one to one yoga therapy, massage and healing. I know how much my clients have missed coming for regular treatments. You’ll be happy to know I have extra magic inside of me now (it’s been building up all year) and I look forward to sharing it with you! 

I am fully booked up this week and have limited availability next week. Please get in touch for more information or to book an appointment.


I have a super special offer for you today!!

For the whole of this New Moon cycle, I am gifting a free place on the Chakra Yoga Cleanse with every book purchased!!

Flow into this new season with the fire of Aries and bring your dreams to life!

Chakra Yoga Cleanse will take you on a voyage of discovery deep into your heart and soul where you will uncover the gifts and magic inside of you! 💖On a journey like no other, you will step out of the ordinary and into extraordinary to experience a life of pure beauty and Ecstatic bliss! 💜Join us for a week of yoga, chakra balancing, mindfulness, delicious vegan recipes and an abundance of good vibrations and soulful connections! Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions! Check it out here:

Chakra Yoga Cleanse — Heaven on Earth The Space

Community Wellbeing

Wednesday’s 10am and 7pm, Saturday’s 10am

Community Wellbeing is a mental health support group using the principles of yoga and Ayurveda to restore balance to the body, mind and soul.

✨ We open the space with a share circle where people can talk freely in a safe sacred space. This is a deeply therapeutic practice that offers participants the opportunity to talk about their mental and emotional problems like stress, anxiety, depression and social isolation. We talk, listen, cry, shout and dance away our pain, releasing what no longer serves us.

✨ Then we move onto philosophy and the practice of yoga to restore alignment in the mind-body connection. The simple and effective techniques learnt can be applied to overcome the challenges of daily life.

✨ We close the session the same way we begin, with a sacred share circle. You can share as much or as little as you like about your experience during the session and how it has helped you. It’s amazing to feel the shift in energy as the session comes to a close. Everyone is always much calmer, positive and happier afterwards.

For more information or to book a place, send me a message.

First session is free!

Free Online Ayurvedic Cooking Course

Starts Tuesday 11th May 11am – 12pm 

This FREE 6 week Ayurvedic Cooking course will empower you to transform your life through the magical alchemy of cooking healthy vegetarian meals on a budget.

The ancient philosophy of Ayurveda is based on a deep understanding of the body, mind and spirit in relation to living in balance and harmony with Mother nature, the seasons and our environment. It empowers us with tools which we can apply to every aspect of our lives to maintain optimum health and wellbeing.

As we flow into a new season and a brand new astrological year, we have an opportunity to start afresh!

Let’s plant some positive seeds for a healthier and happier future!

Also included on the course, mindfulness techniques and simple yoga practices to help boost energy, improve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and alleviate common complaints such as anxiety, stress, depression, and social isolation.

(1) Ayurvedic Cooking Course | Facebook

Reply with your comments and questions below. I look forward to connecting with you!

Wishing you a magical week!

Lots of love, Sharon x x

Heaven on Earth: The Space

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